左京平,女,汉族,1993年11月生,甘肃庆阳人。太阳成tyc7111cc,讲师,主要从事时空统计建模与GIS应用、仿真模拟、计量经济、气候变化与能源经济等方向研究,参与国家自然科学基金项目1项,主持省部级基金项目2项,在《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment》、《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》等SCI期刊发表论文8篇。
[3]国家自然科学基金面上项目(41871025), 基于地球系统数据产品降尺度模拟缺资料的天山南坡山区流域气候-径流过程, 2019-01至2022-12,60万元,参与
[1] Zuo Jingping, Xu Jianhua, Qian Cuncun. A hybrid mathematical model for estimation of runoff uncertainty influenced by climate drivers, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2022, 37: 595-610.
[2] Zuo Jingping, Qian Cuncun. Evaluation of historical and future precipitation changes in CMIP6 over the Tarim River Basin, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2022, 15(3-4): 1659-1675.
[3] Zuo Jingping, Xu Jianhua, Chen Yaning, Li Weihong. Downscaling simulation of groundwater storage in the Tarim River basin in northwest China based on GRACE data, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 2021, 123: 103042.
[4] Zuo Jingping, Xu Jianhua, Chen Yaning, Wang Chong. Downscaling Precipitation in the Data-Scarce Inland River Basin of Northwest China Based on Earth System Data Products, Atmosphere, 2019, 10(10): 613
[5] Zuo Jingping, Xu Jianhua, Li Weihong, Yang Dongyang. Understanding Shallow Soil Moisture Variation in the Data-Scarce Area and its Relationship with Climate Change by GLDAS Data. PLoSONE. 2019 ,14(5):e021702.
[6] Xu Jianhua, Wang Chong, Li Weihong, Zuo Jingping. Multi-temporal scale modeling on climatic-hydrological processes in data-scarce mountain basins of Northwest China, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2018, 11(15): 423.
[7] Yang Xu, Ji Guangxing, Wang Chong, Zuo Jingping, Yang Haiqing, Xu Jianhua, Chen Ruishan. Modeling nitrogen and phosphorus export with InVEST model in Bosten Lake basin of Northwest China. PLoS ONE, 2019, 14(7): e0220299
[8] Yang Haiqing, Xu Jianhua, Chen Yaning, Li Dahui, Zuo Jingping, Zhu Nina, Chen Zhongsheng. Has the Bosten Lake Basin been dry or wet during the climate transition in Northwest China in the past 30 years?. Theoretical and Applied Climatology,2020,141, 627–644.